Summer Professional Program

Tap is an essential part of a dancer’s training. The most important skill that a dancer learns from studying Tap is a sense of rhythm, earthiness and weight control. Our Tap classes concentrate not only on technique but on the performance of Tap. The students work on various routines from a variety of Tap genres. They concentrate on technique and performance, placement and musicality. They also work through the ISTD syllabus without the pressures of the exams.
Saturdays in Wokingham
10.00AM-10.25AM - Beginners
09.25AM-09.55AM - Intermediates
1.05-1.35PM - Advanced
Cost: £33.50 per month (inc VAT)

Mia Stone, Age 11
I’ve been at Steppin Out for 5 years and I saw the amazing tap performance they did at out at the annual show and I immediately wanted to try Tap. I love it! It’s my favourite part of being in Steppin Out. Ellie is an amazing teacher and I’ve learnt so much.

Mia Stone, Age 11
I’ve been at Steppin Out for 5 years and I saw the amazing tap performance they did at out at the annual show and I immediately wanted to try Tap. I love it! It’s my favourite part of being in Steppin Out. Ellie is an amazing teacher and I’ve learnt so much.