Terms and Conditions


  1. Compulsory items: Steppin Out T-shirt, plain black joggers/ leggings (without any logos), plain black full socks socks and plimsoles ( Step 1) and split sole Jazz shoes and black full socks ( Step 2,3 & 4)
  2. Trainer socks are not permitted at the school.
  3. Personalised baseball jackets are optional as of 1st September 2024 but currently all students have them. These can be purchased via the website.Please e mail admin@steppinoutstars.co.uk for the password to order them. 
  4. Dance trainers are not allowed in the school for safety reasons.
  5. No jewellery is to be worn at any time including Apple watches and fit bits.
  6. Long hair must be neatly tied back for classes (this applies to all genders).
  7. Footwear: Step 1: Plain black closed plimsolls (No patterns) OR black laced split sole jazz shoes (no logos/ patterns/coloured laces on shoes or bars across the shoe showing socks or flesh.
  8. All children in Step 2 and above must wear compulsory split sole, laced jazz shoes. These should be purchased from Dance International in Crowthorne, Caversham or Camberley.
  9. No uniform can be exchanged or refunded once ordered so please ensure you order the correct size is purchased
  10. Parents should leave coats/ jackets, etc behind to avoid lost property.
  11. Jazz shoes and all uniform must be kept in good condition ie: No holes and fitted correctly. Any children wearing poorly fitted shoes or ones with holes in will be asked to remove them and dance in bare feet.
  12. Long sleeve tops/ visable vests are not allowed to be worn underneath T-shirts even in the colder months.
  13. Any child that has not purchased full uniform by week 3 of joining will be suspended without refund until the uniform is purchased.
  14. Ballet students must have the full Ballet uniform including cardigan, scrunchy, tights, leotard and belt and their hair in a bun.
  15. Tap students will require Tap shoes only as additional uniform. Advanced students can wear black Oxford Tap shoes, Beginners and Intermediate students must wear black open Tap shoes.


  1. Costumes will be required for shows. Your yearly registration fee covers all costumes for in house productions and Troupe shows but not show fees, costumes or tickets for our biannual show in a professional theatre.
  2. All costumes are being hired from Steppin Out and will remain our Property and we will ask these to be returned.
  3. Any costumes not returned will be charged at the full price plus postage and packing.
  4. Any costumes hired costumes from us must come back in prime condition or the full amount will be charged.
  5. Ballet students must have the full Ballet uniform including cardigan, scrunchy, tights, leotard and belt and their hair in a bun.
  6. Tap students will require Tap shoes only as additional uniform. Advanced can wear Oxford Tap shoes, Beginners and Intermediates must wear open Tap shoes.


  1. Our payment method is by monthly direct debit via GoCardless.
  2. Fees will be revised annually in April.
  3. Fees will be deducted automatically and can only be taken via GoCardless.


  1. An annual registration fee is taken yearly from the month you join. This includes a bag (for new customers) and a lanyard with your first badge on as well as tickets for the in house shows, costumes for inhouse shows, all badges, certificates and trophies if you win any and one ticket for the annual awards night.
  2. This includes any full day rehearsals and show weekend rehearsals for the biannual show.
  3. The cost of this will be looked at yearly each September. There will not be an additional charge for children who take part in multiple disciplines.


  1. The cost of the annual registration fee will be £50 for Steps 2, 3 & 4 and £40 for Step 1.
  2.  There will not be an additional charge for children who take part in multiple disciplines.

  3. The annual registration fee is non refundable once the customer has said they are joining for any reason.


  1. Theatre trips
  2. Costumes for non in house shows
  3. Extra rehearsals for Disney, Formula 1, Business awards and any other production that is not “in house”
  4. Any trips and additional shows that are not in our venues
  5. Costumes, tickets and show fees for the biannual theatre show in a professional theatre.


  1. A £10 admin fee will apply if a direct debit is late or needs to be changed.
  2. The £10 admin fee will not apply if you are adding an additional class to your childs repetoire.
  3. The annual registration fee is non refundable once taken for any reason.


  1. We do not take card payments over the phone or accept cash or cheques.
  2. We do not accept child care vouchers.
  3. We do not offer a sibling discount.
  4. If you are late picking up your child a £10 late payment fee will apply. If you are longer than 15 minutes we will charge for the whole hour.
  5. Costume, ticket, chaperone and extra rehearsal fees apply only for additional shows. “Steppin Out” endeavours to keep these reasonably priced and affordable for parents.
  6. We do not offer refunds for any fees if an outside activity clashes with a Steppin Out event that your child has committed to such as Formula 1, Disney etc or if your child is sick or doesn't attend.
  7. If fees are not paid, then 10% will be added each week they are overdue.
  8. Trial sessions are non-refundable. If trial is not attended, a credit will be held but the trial must be rebooked and used within 3 months.


  1. Should there be a National or Regional lock down then we will not refund any classes,however where possible we will try and extend the term and we will revert back to teaching on Zoom. 
  2. In the event of another lock down we will not have a reduced timetable but will endeavour to provide class times almost exactly as in person, but still allowing the children enough time to get on and off each Zoom meeting.
  3. Steppin Out LLP nor any of our local theatres will offer any refunds on tickets for any reason.
  4. Private lessons if cancelled less than 48 hours notice will not be able to be rescheduled and you will still be charged.


  1. If a student leaves before the end of term or during a summer school for any reason, then NO refunds will be given.
  2. We must be notified via e-mail giving 2 calender months written notice if a student wishes to leave. This must be acknowledged by the Principal and if not, full fees will apply.
  3. If you let us know that you are leaving us by the 5th of the month then you will then be charged 2 calendar months after this. For example:  If you let us know by the 5th of January you wish to leave then you will be charged for Feb and March. If you let us know on the 6th of January you wish to leave then you will be charged for Feb, March and April.

    4.Should you cancel your DD without letting us know then an invoice will be sent to you for 3 calendar months plus an administration charge of £10.


  1. If a student is regularly disruptive or rude the school will issue a verbal warning. If this continues a written warning will follow, then exclusion from the school.
  2. We operate a zero tolerance on bullying of any kind.
  3. We are a fully inclusive school but if we feel a child is in anyway a danger to themselves or others then we will terminate the contract with immediate effect. The safety of our students and staff is paramount.
  4. The Principal has the right to suspend or permanently exclude a student or parent at their discretion without refunding fees.
  5. Any child auditioning for any show, advert or talent show must seek permission from the Principal.
  6. Any child not wanting to participate in a show must let the Principal know before auditions take place.
  7. If a child cannot commit to all shows for our annual show they will not be able to take part.
  8. If a child drops out of a professional theatre show 6 weeks before after being cast then a £50 admin charge will occur.
  9. No parents are allowed backstage at any time.
  10. Private Singing lessons CANNOT be taken by anyone else apart from the agreed student at their allocated time. No swapping of singing lesson time or teacher is permitted.  
  11. If your child has private lessons and is sick then we will try and offer a catch up lesson but this cannot be guaranteed. This may not be at their usual time or day and is down to staff availabilty.
  12. If your child is self isolating or sick then they will not be offered an additional class to catch up and no refunds will be given.
  13. All children must adhere to the rules of a show. This will include having to wear particular costumes and have their hair in a certain way. If the child refuses to abide by these rules then sadly they will not be able to take part.
  14. Children cannot make up classes at other venues if they are sick or absent.
  15. Should a child not return to summer school for any reason then no refunds will be given. The summer school fee is non refundable.


  1. We may take promotional pictures and use these for press and promotional sources. If you do not want your child to be used in any promotional material or photos, we must receive a written letter and an e-mail at the beginning of term.
  2. Our bi annual show will be professionally recorded. Personal cameras, phones and recording equipment will strictly be prohibited in the auditorium/performance space unless advised.
  3. Any student using a mobile phone during classes will receive a written warning unless this is being used as part of a TV project. The phone will be confiscated and returned at the end of the session.
  4. Please do not bring any valuables to classes.
  5. “Steppin Out” does not take responsibility for any lost items, including uniform. If a child loses an item of clothing or a personal belonging “Steppin Out" will not e-mail other parents to try and source its location.
  6. For child protection reasons we operate a zero tolerance on mobile phones backstage.


  1. If a session is cancelled due to adverse weather conditions or for a reason out of our control, no refunds will be given, where possible a catch up session via Zoom or an extra week will be added to the term if the venue can accomodate this. We may also offer classes at an alternative venue to catch up that particular class or a workshop.
  2. In the event of staff absence, we may need to put a replacement in place. All replacements will be DBS security checked and where possible chaperone licensed too.
  3. Any child wearing “Steppin Out” uniform is representing the school. Any inappropriate behaviour when wearing this can result in your child being asked to leave.
  4. No pets are allowed on any school premises at any time.


  1. Parents must escort their child and collect thier child to and from their studio door unless they are a Step 4 student who can do this themselves.
  2. Parents must wait with their child until the class starts and should never just drop and leave their child unaccompanied.
  3. If there is a parent of a Step 4 student who does not agree for their child to leave without them being escorted then this must be acknowledged by the Principal in writing otherwise we will release all of our Step 4 students at the same time.
  4. Our responsibility ends when the session ends.
  5. If a child is being picked up by an alternative parent or person then you must inform us in writing 24 hours before this occurs or in an emergency the Principal must be called.


  1. Any negative comments/references to Steppin Out on any Social Media platforms or groups using the Steppin Out name or any misuse of the Steppin Out brand will not be tolerated. This will result in instant dismissal from the school and where necessary this will be reported to the Police. Court action will be taken if necessary.
  2. In a situation where the relationship between a family and Principal or a member of staff has broken down beyond repair then the Principal has the right to terminate participation at the school with immediate effect without refunding fees.


  1. All students must wear a Troupe Jacket to all rehearsals (Purchased online via the usual method) and a royal blue T shirt, black leggings, black socks that meet the leggings. Hair should be neatly tied back, and no jewellery should be worn at any times.
  2. Uniform including jazz shoes must be kept up to a high standard and should never be torn, worn or too small.
  3. Troupe Jackets can replace the normal Steppin Out Jackets in normal classes however, if a student should leave Troupe yet still attend Steppin Out classes then they must purchase a standard Steppin Out Jacket.
  4. Troupe terms will differ on the number of weeks depending on what is happening that term regarding Troupe shows.
  5. Being a Troupe member is a privilege and the Principal has the right to terminate a Troupe members place at any time. This may/may not affect a child’s place in normal classes depending on the reason without refunding fees.
  6. Troupe fees will be revised annually.
  7. Troupe will always have a specific slot in the bi-annual show, The May Fayre (not the year that the Disney cast perform). They may/may not be asked to perform at other events.
  8. Solos, duets and trios will be given to the best students we have at that time and will be dependent on what show we are doing. This may or may not be by audition.
  9. All Troupe students must give a full terms notice upon leaving as it is hugely disruptive to the team.
  10. If a Troupe student is playing a significant part in a school production/show that the Principal deems will assist with their training then Troupe rehearsals can be missed for the show only, not for a rehearsal.
  11. If a student is performing in another show or residential trip that is not Steppin Out related then the Principal must be given 3 months’ notice of this, if not then that rehearsal absence will not be granted.
  12. Refunds for Troupe mid-way or a few weeks into the term are non-negotiable.
  13. If a student is absent for sickness, then the Principal must be given notice of at least 24 hours via email and not on the Troupe group.
  14. Whatsapp groups can only be used by Troupe parents during working hours 9-5pm apart from a Thursday when the Principal will not expect any messages after the session has finished at 8.30pm giving parents a 10-minute window after the session has finished.
  15. Late collections, drop offs and absences will result in a strike. Three strikes will result in a meeting with the student, Principal and parent and may result in dismissal from the Troupe.
  16. Communication to the Principal should always be via email and not directly on Whatsapp or text and never via a Voice Note or out of working hours 10-5pm.This will also result in a strike. The school is incredibly busy, and it is important that the Principal and staff are given time away from the business to give you the best possible service that we can.
  17. Staff Troupe members should never be contacted directly about anything only the Principal.
  18. If a parent has a concern with anything Troupe related then the Principal should be called directly and not via voice note, email, Whatsapp or text. 
  19.  Any kind of correspondence on the Troupe groups and or in any other form deemed inappropriate or in any way shape or form detrimental to the Principal, the Steppin Out Team or another Troupe member this will result in instant dismissal from the Troupe team.
  20. We will expect Troupe parents to help by chaperoning/front of house/backstage/ washing costumes or perhaps in the office when it is in a show.
  21. Show fees will apply when it is a show and Steppin Out will keep these as reasonably priced as they can.
  22. Disruptive behaviour from any Troupe member(s) will result in missing a show/performance and if this continues then the Troupe member will be asked to leave.